Deleting your account

Information on how to delete your account and linked information as well as what is saved even after requesting deletion.

Deleting my account

You can follow these simple steps to delete your Time Squared account:

  • Launch the app on your mobile device
  • Go to the Settings tab, this is usually the right most button on the bottom of the screen.
  • Scroll all the way to the bottom of the list
  • Select Delete account from the list

This will immediately send a request to our server to delete your account.

What is deleted?

When you do the steps mentioned above the following information is deleted:

  • All information and references to your devices (device type, operating system, advertising id, when device was seen on the app...) are deleted immediately.
  • Your user object which contains information such as your app settings are marked for deletion, to be deleted, usually by the end of the month.
  • Record of your personal information (name, email) are deleted immediately.
  • If you were the owner of the related company, or you had an individual account, the time entries you created will be marked for deletion. To be deleted in a once a month cycle.
  • Information related to your authentication method (email and password, or Google sign in, Apple sign in) are deleted immediately from our system and Firebase Authentication.

What is kept even after I request to delete my account?

  • If you were employee of a tier 1 company, the time entries you tracked as part of that company will be kept. However since all references to your name are removed from the system, other company members will just see the time and see a mention of deleted user having made the time entry.
  • If you were the owner of a company or individual account, the related object will be marked as archived, but not deleted. -> in future we will schedule a monthly operation to delete orphaned archived company objects.
  • Projects (project name, hourly rate...) are not being deleted right now. -> in future we will schedule a monthly delete operation of these too, since they are just clutter at this point.